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H.Ai and S. Takahashi (2021): The lifelog monitorinig system for honeybees: RFID and camera recordings in an observation hive. J. Robotics and Mechatronics. 33(3), 457-465.

A. Couto, G. Arnold, H.Ai and J-C. Sandoz (2021): Interspecific variation of antennal lobe composition among four hornet species. Scientific Reports. 11, 20883.

H.Ai, R. Okada, M. Sakura, T. Wachtler and H. Ikeno (2019): Neuroethology of the waggle dance: How followers interact with the waggle dancer and detect spatial information. Insects. 10, 1-16.

A. Kumaraswamy, H. Ai, K. Kai, H. Ikeno and T. Wachtler (2019): Adaptations during maturation in an identified honeybee interneuron responsive to waggle dance vibration signals. eNeuro. 6(5), 1-13.

H.Ai, A. Kumaraswamy, T. Kohashi, H. Ikeno and T. Wachtler (2018): Inhibitory pathways for processing in the temporal structure of sensory signals in the insect brain. Frontiers in Psychology. 9, 1-6.

H.Ai, K. Kai, A. Kumaraswamy, H. Ikeno and T. Wachtler (2017): Interneurons in the honeybee primary auditory center responding to waggle dance-like vibration pulses. J. Neuroscience. 37(44), 10624-10635.

H.Ai, A. Yoshida, and F. Yokohari (2010): Vibration receptive sensilla on the wing margins of the silkworm moth Bombyx mori. J. Insect. Physiol. 56, 236-246.

H.Ai (2010): Vibration-processing interneurons in the honeybee brain. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/neuro.06.019.2009

H.Ai, R. Juergen, R. Menzel and T. Itoh (2009): Response characteristics of vibration-sensitive interneurons related to Johnston's organ in the Honeybee, Apis mellifera. J. Comp. Neurol. 515, 145-160.

藍 浩之 (2009): 通信 ―会話はボディランゲージで― 動物の多様な生き方 共立出版 pp. 201-221 (2009)

藍 浩之 (2009): ミツバチの聴覚器官と一次聴神経感覚野の構造. 分子昆虫学―ポストゲノムの昆虫研究― 共立出版 pp. 219-224

藍 浩之 (2008): ミツバチの振動受容の神経機構. 昆虫ミメティクス 第2編 基礎論 第1章 第2節 (株)エヌ・ティー・エス編 pp. 102-110

H.Ai, H. Nishino and T. Itoh (2007): Topographic organization of sensory afferents of Johnston’s organ in the honeybee brain. J. Comp. Neurol. 502, 1030-1046.

藍 浩之、西野浩史 (2007): 昆虫のジョンストン器官の比較形態学:構造と中枢投射. 比較生理生化学 24巻、no.3 pp. 110-121

Uchimura, K., Ai, H., Kuwasawa, K., Matsushita, T. and Kurokawa, M.(2005): Excitatory neural control of postgrade heartbeat by the frontal ganglion in the last instar larva of a lepidopteran, Bombyx mori. J. Comp. Physiol., A 192: 175-185.

Ai, H. and Kanzaki, R. (2004): Modular organization of the silkmoth antennal lobe macroglomerular complex revealed by voltage-sensitive dye imaging. J. Exp. Biol. 207,603-644