NISHI, Noriyuki / h
Professor, Faculty of Science,
Fukuoka University
Link (in Japanese)
Research Interest
- Dynamics of waves/disturbances in the tropical troposphere
- Amplification and non-linear distortion of Kelvin waves around the tropopause
- Stationary warm anomaly around the equatorial tropopause during Asian summer monsoon
- Cloud dynamics of mesoscale precipitation systems
- Vertical motion in the stratiform precipitation region
- Physics of cirriform clouds
- Large-scale distribution of cirrus originated from the precipitation system in the tropics
- Transport of water vapor in the tropics
- Observational campaign with sondes observing water vapor in the tropopause region (SOWER)
- List of paper
- presentations at international meetings
- presentations at domestic (Japan) meetings (in Japanese)
Departrment of earth system science, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, JAPAN
814-0180 s掵G19-1 ww(18505)nȊw
TEL: +81-92-871-6631 (Ex6150) e-mail:
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